Impulse - Research Journal
Impulse publishes papers that describe the findings of original research on any aspect of the neuromarketing and brand perception scientific study. Any paper, no matter how brief, will be considered for publication if it reports significant, novel, and thoroughly confirmed findings with full experimental details.
ISSN 2963-8054
Published by
CV. Media Buzz Indonesia
Epicentrum Walk 5th Floor Unit A540 - Jakarta Selatan - Indonesia
Editor in Chief
Dr. Eddy Yansen, M.I.Kom ( Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences - i3l )
Mohammad Hadid S.Ip, M.Hum
Sutisna S.Si
Nadya Parameswari Jasmine S.Kom
Call For Paper - Aim & Scope
At Impulse, we are excited to work with passionate guest editors on special issues highlighting important topics across neuromarketing, branding, marketing management, and research. Currently, we are inviting submissions for the Special Issues outlined below. If you would like to submit a proposal for a special issue, please write to us at
For Author
We provide our authors flexibility in formatting their manuscripts. Your article doesn’t have to conform to a strict structure. While all manuscripts require essential elements, we do not impose any limit on article length or the number of tables and figures. Impulse is a quarterly publication and publishes 1 volume and 4 issues each year.
All manuscript and supplementary material files have been uploaded.
Author names and their affiliations have been provided.
One author has been designated as the corresponding author.
The manuscript title is short and informative.
The abstract can be read as stand-alone text and does not exceed 300 words.
The manuscript file contains all essential sections (the order can vary): Title, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, References, Figure Captions, and Tables.
The Manuscript has been checked for spelling and grammar.
All references mentioned in the References list are cited in the text, and vice versa.
Artwork source files have been provided at the appropriate size and resolution.
Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources including the Web. You can refer to Elsevier’s Permissions Guidelines for more information. Relevant subject areas have been selected and keywords describing the article have been provided.
All necessary declarations have been made.
Impulse is a fully open access journal. Once published, your article will be immediately and permanently available for readers to read, download, and share. Readers will be able to access your article freely on For more information on the available publishing licenses, copyright, and article publishing charges, please consult
Peer Review Process
There is a preliminary review of the manuscript by the editor Impluse. Editor will decide whether the manuscript in accordance with the scope and focus and proper to give to the reviewer. Sometimes, editors may recommend revision before submitting for review. This initial review of activities usually takes a week.
Submissions that pass the initial review will be assigned to at least two reviewers (double-blind peer review). Based on the review editor will first make editorial decisions.
There are five possible editorial decisions (1) the manuscript is accepted, (2) be amended, (3) re-submit, (4) is sent to another publisher, or (5) is rejected.
Typically, the time frame of delivery to the first editor of the average results of 8-16 weeks.
The time to reach a final decision depends on the number of reviews rotation, perceptive writer etc. Typically, the time frame of delivery by an average of 3-4 months a final decision.
Copyright and licenses
You decide how readers distribute and copy your work through a choice of two creative commons licenses. We provide authors with a choice of publishing under the creative commons licenses CC-BY and CC-BY-NC-ND:
Creative commons attribution (CC-BY 4.0)
This license allows readers to distribute and copy your article as long as they credit you (with the DOI link to the publication). They can create extracts, abstracts and different versions, such as translations. Under this license, readers can also include your article in a collective work, and mine the text and data – including for commercial purposes. All of these uses are possible, as long as they don’t claim that you endorse their adaptation, and don’t damage your reputation.
Creative commons attribution-nonCommercial-no Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0)
This license allows readers to distribute and copy your article, as long as it is not done for commercial purposes. Under this license, readers cannot change or edit your article for distribution in any way. They are able to distribute and copy your article as long as they give appropriate credit (with the DOI link to the publication), provide a link to the license, and don’t claim that you endorse their adaptation of your work. Under this license, readers are also able to mine the text and data.
If you do not indicate a preference when prompted by our editorial team, the default license will be CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0.
Open Access Policy
Impulse is a fully open access journal. Once published, your article will be immediately and permanently available for readers to read, download, and share. Readers will be able to access your article freely on both online & printed journal.
The journal's costs are covered solely by article publication charges. There are no subscription fees for our online readers, or page and figure charges for our authors. Accordingly, all authors of accepted articles will receive an invoice charging the article publication charge of $250 USD (plus VAT and local taxes where applicable). For printed version, there is publication charges for the subscriber.
Impulse has a small budget for reducing open access charges for authors in developing countries and others in genuine financial hardship. We will grant 100% and 50% discounts on the article publication charge for requests from authors from Research4Life group A and group B countries, respectively. Please note that funds for other reductions are limited, however, as the journal would not be sustainable without income from author charges to cover its cost. We do encourage authors to consult with their co-authors, institutional libraries, and departments in cases where there is a gap to cover the publication charge.
Requests from authors with funding outlined here cannot be considered. For any questions around open access, including the application for a discount on the basis of financial hardship, please contact our open access support team through email