Winslow Taylor
Research Institute
Dr. Eddy Yansen, M.I.Kom
To better understand human behavior and the psychology of customer purchase decisions, Dr. Eddy Yansen, the Winslow Taylor Research Institute's director of research, employs neuromarketing approaches and implicit technology. Dr. Eddy has a PhD in Marketing Management, and he has earned certifications in consumer neuromarketing, statistical analysis of fMRI data from Johns Hopkins University, qualitative research, and quantitative research method training at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Eddy has delivered insights for many household-name brands, and he has worked with some of the world's most well-known companies. He is at the vanguard of Indonesian neuromarketing research, constantly researching on novel techniques to evaluate consumers' thinking and forecast their behavior.
WTRI is Member of :
Marketing Research Association
Neuromarketing Science & Business Association
Mix Method International Research Association
Rapidminer Academy
Academy of Marketing Science
European Association of Methodology (EAM)
System Dynamics Society
NeuroBusiness Lab
Eddy has worked on research and consulting projects for many of Indonesia's largest corporations, including Toyota, Lippo Group, Astra Group, and many more advertising and marketing firms. Eddy assists businesses in selecting the best Neuromarketing technique to meet their business questions, conducts market research projects, and delivers unique insights in full research reports.
Brand Perception Lab
An empirical examination of your reputation and visibility to assist you in better understanding the marketplace and your firm's role in it. Brand research may also assist you in determining the attributes that actually distinguish you from the competition in the eyes of your prospective customers. These features are known as differentiators or your competitive edge.
Multi-Sensory Marketing Lab
Eddy's work includes research on human perceptual processes in the multi-sensory marketing lab. Our focus is on multisensory perception in marketing communication with sensory interaction.
Proven by science
Yansen, E. (2022). Personal Brand Orientation: An Exploration of its Antecedents And Consequences. Revista de Investigaciones Universidad del Quindío 33 (2021), 309-319.
Yansen, E., & Bernarto, I. (2022). The Role of Conative-Affective Loyalty as a mediator of Retargeting Ad toward Purchase Intention. Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing, 6(1).
Yansen, E., & Widjaja, A. W. (2021). The Effect of Personal Brand Orientation on Digital Firm Performance, with mediating role of Networking Capabilities and Digital Learning Capabilities. Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 87–96.
Yansen, E. (2021). Pengembangan dan Validasi Alat Ukur Personal Brand Orientation. Syntax Literate; Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia 7 (2), 633-640